Tuesday, April 11, 2023

WASD - 3.04.2023

 Never theirs to hold 

Never one to be told

"Mine" to protect 

Defend, 9 crimes

Please add one more 

It is the soul that dies

Yet again

Rebirth it in the morning 

This mourning yet alone 

Not yours to be 

You don't claim me 

Not anymore 

So maybe

I Depart from 

the shore

Sail away this tornado

A hurricane of ....


Floating, lost in verses

Flying like a fucking

Frisbee through space



Hoping for more

Yet reality's dogs checked in 

They don't stop, their bark

Is deafening,  just talkers 

Can't stop whispering 

Their tears withering 

Hoping for the sun 

Have you not understood yet ?

Detachment's balm 

The darkness that

Inside I hold 

Will the universe unfold?

Now that you are old ? 

Made from a broken mold 

To ashes I turn 

In fire reborn 

A dragon ... once more. 

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