Monday, August 12, 2019

Altered Metal - Jan. 2019

Damned be my being, cursed be our fate
I now know all possible dreams rest
Forever in the ever empty abyss, while I test
A life gifted through nightmares, wrapped in perfume
Of roses and jasmine, blooming from the primal womb
When the colors of the night bloomed, like fumes from a tomb.

Hey death machine, why are you late?
I've heard you calling out my name
Will you ever stop thinking I'm insane?
Stop chasing the humane inside this feeble
Body. Spirit and brain bring noth but pain.
There's nothing to gain here, but refined evil
So come with fire and unchain the profane
Lying therein, and lend me the mark of Cain.

With metal heavy wings, dark feathers on strings
We`ll fly away or slay, with a passion thirsty for revenge
Until the dawn-that-never-comes, and break then the pledge
Signed with the high archangels, and godly kings, poor victims
Who`ll shortly rocket down of the high mountain ledge
Dive into concrete reality, hopes and dreams shatter
While our burning wrath binds us closer, matter merged with anti-matter.

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