Sunday, August 11, 2019

Loving hurricanes - 25.07.2018

Grey, heavy clouds summoned above my head
high up in the sky prepared to pour down rain
Angry drops of water embrace all my skin
So this how I could feel you again within
Cause i never laid hands on you until now, djinn!

But now I'll love you in silence, keeping you close,
Hide you in short lines and butchered metaphors
You came out of nowhere, straight into aeternum,
Caught me untrained, your glance like a venom.

Running through my veins, you gradually became
The hurricane contained in the atman of my soul
Enchained, and in every falling drop of rain
Your heartbeat's like thunder, I'm going insane.

Reaching for the lightning, falling for an arcane
Healer of another realm, disguised as a shadow
Hiding from the curious eyes of mankind. Woe
with the time that flows like a river! and allow
Me be Calypso of the tempestuous ocean
Longing for the storm, a sunrise in slow motion.

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