Sunday, August 11, 2019

These pirates - 09.08.2018

The sailors need time, waves and wind demand authority
But pirates won't take eons, treasures and rum are a priority.
These are stories of the sea but forests of memory grow,
And away from the ocean, rivers of thought flow
Rushing like the boiling blood in my veins,
Ravaging a mind, like havoc caused by hurricanes.

Don't speak yet, don't say a fucking word,
All's gone now, frozen in time, only echoes resound
Of that cursed sailor's mouth, of flashes
Reminiscent of that go-to-hell glare, and ashes
Of the moments lived, never knowing
Your intentions, how he loved to deceive, steady rowing
Through green waters, searching for hidden treasures
Finding mere ghosts of thoughts, dreams and pleasures.

I'm taking it back now, standing on my own,
Untied the dozen braids, turned my heart into stone
Reversed Medusa into a sleeping butterfly on a shore,
My hatred liquefies, all motion nullified, but the waves' roar.

Instead I hold on to this lullaby, than going to this sea war
Until all tensions are translated into something more hardcore
Than what the sirens sing from their deep heart core
I am not mad about him, it's but a nagging mystery
But every mystery's a challenge, till then it's his story. 

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