Sunday, August 11, 2019

Change the calendar - 03.08.2018

She was up again, floating in bright daylight
Pierced the orange morning sky, speaking forthright
Telling them stories, blessed the world with silence
Schrodinger's cat died today, prey to the sirens.

Vertigo grabbed her, but tried to escape again
Defying the heights she's always fallen from serein
Directly into those sparkling ocean eyes ....
He wasn't there yet, everything's numb despise,
The blinding light and the warmth of sunrise.

The wind now feels like snowflakes, freezing
Her hands, shaking while trying to remember
All the stars she saw when he touched her
That night in September, goddamit quit teasing ...
The poor girl's body with that hidden diamond mind
Pain becomes pleasure, as death follows life.

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