Sunday, August 11, 2019

If this is a mistake - 30.07.2018

So brave he was when they wondered the stars
Atom entwined with atom, loving with the speed of light 
Traveled through nebulae, changing avatars 
A god and a goddess, quasars ignited their might. 

Eons had passed since he starved her fears,
Comets collided forming giant satellites
The world became bright to the songs of the spheres
While he tasted her dreams, he told stories of gunfights. 

Then they became human, on a planet too cold 
They sailed all the seas, she was far too involved.
Not knowing, in his ocean eyes she had always dove
Each sip of eternity she drank willingly, slowed 
The course of time whenever she stood beside him,
Though he didn't want her forever, he was no seraphim. 

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