Sunday, August 11, 2019

Dead silence - 12.07.2014

A narrow and deserted mind;
My heart was found in a deep shadow
I was lost between the tombs of my past.
Lost in the notion of right and wrong…
Until I arrived to an immense dark door standing ponderously ajar

I thought it was my future,
I slipped through one of those cracks
Went up a swept staircase
As arid as a dessert…
Opened the first door I came to.

Two men, one fat…the other slim dark haired
Standing in a middle of a crowded subway hall…
The slim one regarded me.
Downcast eyes.
Just as I began to walk straight to them,
Stood still and looked up:
I gave my name and looked about….
Dead in the center…whacked silence.
A window opened suddenly in his deep brownish eyes…
After we shook hands,
I fancy murmured vaguely,
Was satisfied with my English “good-bye”.

In about 40 mins I found myself again
In the waiting room…stood still.
I thought …meeting you ..
Would turn into a dreary fate.

Two youths with foolish and cheery countenances
Were being piloted over and I threw at you,
The same quick glance of unconcerned wisdom…
You seemed to know all about life and all about me too.

But I found out,
Much later,
…All about you…
An eerie feeling came over us
You seemed mystic and fateful
Often far away…
I thought of you too.
Guarding, yet, the Door of Darkness
With concerned old eyes. AVE!

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