Sunday, August 11, 2019

No other way - 09.09.2018

It started only as a game
Between two minds, one is insane
Foolishly, ignoring consequences 
Still shy, holding to abstinence 
But before she made amends
Blindly hoping, not knowing all intents
She let the following words flow,
Not having forever, just taking it slow. 

Regarding the matter of making amends
The reason why it started
World views that departed
Led to uncertain, possible ends.
As long as it's written on paper
It won't be carved in a stone 
It must therefore be safer
To write it on sand, on a sea's shore.
Take heed thus, the words won't last long,
Take them with a grain of salt 
To your heart's content, like a song
Until each one fulfills his part.
There's something one should know 
That one can bear more
That it'll ever be known
It could be said that she'll never be on her knees 
Unless it's pure pleasure, not an endless abyss
That she`ll never stop to listen
From the shadows, to the sea
From time to time she`ll let you miss her
I`m joking ... that ... you`ll never see
However, she won't ever bleed
On those who did not cut her
And if you ask, she`ll never leave 
When the world gets darker 
And always hear and speak with love
Trying to be more subtle,
Make you think you won 
The whole war, when it`s only a battle.
Not letting the wounds show, 
Never let you feel cold alone, 
Never let you lose sight of the horizon
And always doing it with more passion. 

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