Monday, August 12, 2019

Death machine strike - 7.08.2019

Hey death machine, how have you been
Call out my name, you expect to be seen
Turned my blood into ink, all possible dreams
Are gone by, hopes rest in abyss.

Tell me with those gems of yours,
From what stranger star have you come?
Your heartbeat lost among bright pulsars
Immortalize a moment with the bullets of a gun…

And as the life fades away,
Keep your desires at bay,
For I`ll battle with swords in this art
And fight with words from the heart.

You thought it was easy to love what is absent,
I fear your mortal nature was an enhancement
To this walking nightmare lady clothed in clouds
Storming out of rainbows, releasing the hounds
Of hell and heaven, deserted I’ve only got the stars
The moonlight and night sky as silence abounds.
So, you never call, you never write, you never bend
Centuries pass, I have missed you so, friend
But as the colors in white flowers have no words
So every string to you hidden, burn all records.

While lost in longing, sorrow overflows horizons
Waiting, her body as warm as a heart of a star,
Eyes two green diamonds …
Lilith, lady of the night, lured them all,
Draw them near, slayed their heart.

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