Saturday, August 10, 2019

Ṛta in dialogue - 17.11.2017

Ananda (sanskrit = bliss)
Creature born in the heart of a dying star,
I looked upon of your face too soon
And now we'll hide from the eye of the night
In this journey, through the universe.
Until the sun of our world will had vanished into a nova...

Sarsar : صرصر: (arabic = strong& freezing storm )
The blue she washed away down the river
Was nothing but a gift from the stars.
Her feelings now flow through pages,
To the rhythms of moon dust falling for ages,
While my guitar weeps and the drum still beats.
Her words are the Evening's light waves
Caressing the oceans ... so brave...embracing the star waves.

Two movements of a moment
Of life, of death ...
Bounded by karma's bestowment
When time was holding its breath.
Forever frozen in a cosmic dance.
For their unwilled atonement,
Two sparks in a sea of souls,
Were searching for nirvana.
Thus their song was sung
From the unwritten scrolls
Of dharma.

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