Sunday, August 11, 2019

Virtual reality - Aug. 2018

To dream is my only way of being together
I could almost feel you, a touch so tender
From your violent delights, I wish you could rise
Return to me, by the dreamless waves enticed.

Why are you crying?
Your dead eyes, cold as ice asked
I have been tired of trying,
Wearing each day, another mask.

All these years, withdrawn inside your mind
Turned from the world, hiding in plain sight..
I found you in the busy streets amass with people
Shot for your heart, you ran away from the evil
Knowing I was the weapon, thinking I was lethal.

And so we started another sequel,
Wrote it all on ink, my body too feeble
Crossed my heart with a knife,
To love you was illegal.

So I sailed on the whispering sea,
In the distant horizon to sink,
To say goodbye to life,
While you had another drink.

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