me to get lost in your art, to transcend this mortal matter into your mind.
This body given is not mine to claim, but a mere manifestation of the universal
energy in a flame...
a game!
get struck by an infinitude of tingling vibes , coming towards me like the
millions of stars passing by when we traveled across galaxies breaking the
speed of light.
consciousness increases and each atom intensifies what had already been sent to
me before when we were entangled particles.
instant flash of brightness in a simulated world, I was lucky to thrill at the
sight of such a Prodigy ...
course this is all in the eye of the beholder, the origins of which holds the
universe itself. Your entire being captured in my eye, a black hole in the
cosmos, inside of which is but a mere mirror of everything in creation. I am
watching you and it watches the universe.
matter into energy, hell into paradise do you do that? Transfer of
perspective, paradigm shifts...a marriage of both.
Definitely a manifestation full of vision