Friday, August 9, 2019

Transcending into Darkness - 13.02.2016

I saw Davinci's demons inside, in my mind
Arriving from a dying light,
Sometimes from fire, sometimes from desire
A silence so kind.
To Gargantua we'll go continue living.

With no sand in the earth, she translated into the sky
Bleeding we are, weep from afar.
Kinship over time, shedding its layers of lust left behind,
Reminiscing of Your blackmail of her hurtful wound.

Distancing from an imagined demon
A Crowley, king of hell.
A supernatural sea man inside a shell.
Floating adrift through a sky-lift,
Though the curse still persists.
A reaper ripping my own mouth from his,
Laughing at our nothingness, that we were the people.
Some sort of a machine of blood shedding creed,
Spinning perpetually in this earth's ubiquitous defeat.

The vacant place inside my misty stars,
Is where I've let you touch my soul
A black dust, abstract.
You now witness my cracked speech act.
For at the end, your gift, my spiritual artifact.
I followed my subconscious sensorial wires to reach you
Love, I am on my way.
Though you dismissed me with your greenway.
Marry me love, on the left highway
Inside the abyss of my feelings,
Escaping doomsday.

Nothing but a child's play, draining me of will,
Murdered your bride,
We died denied,
I now abide by the seaside wide eyed
Until your sorrows will make mines blind.

Literature of my soul battling your science, in the mortified suicide of silence.
Who's gone? Whose gun?
You loathe wondering if she's your midnight sun...
An endless energy trapped inside a bullet,
Your presence breached it, so my senzorial waves diffract.

I never knew where feelings grew,
Where it ain't no sunshine inside a firing storm.
Dive in my abyss, a black sphere afterglow,
Like a thunderbolt's 'hello'.
Like our mind's thoughts, bullets made from knots.

We  signed a contract with the devil,
Sorceries and morning stars made us burn to ashes the Troy,
Made us steal the apple for our crude and greedy endless joy.

It's time you let me forget,
Release me in the sea waves...
And then we'll start a revolution of our own shooting stars
Holding hands afloat in space,
An aftermath of our ominous death.
Capture my smile and we'll swim in the cosmos' waves,
Your energy running with me,
Transcending our tragedy.
Like shooting stars from dust to Mars.
My midnight sun! My calming balm over the seas of celestial and cosmic bodies,
Surrendering our human sinister disaster,
Our contaminated hearts and fates broken apart at the horizon of art.
Two wolves of stardust howling in the universe,
Transcendental through time,
A metamorphosis of our fallible minds
Into spiritual waves.
My daylight moon, leave behind the earthly graves!
With love,
Your morning star trapped in a jar.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen average ones, I've seen good ones but this one? This one is a masterpiece...
